
What counties should know about the Congressional Observer Program ahead of the November 2024 election

On September 9, the U.S. House passed the bipartisan Confirmation of Congressional Observer Access (COCOA) Act of 2023 (H.R. 6513) unanimously by voice vote. The U.S. Senate passed the measure with unanimous consent on September 24. The bill codifies the existing Election Observer Program, which sends trained congressional staff to monitor the casting and counting of votes in congressional elections.

By: Paige Mellerio, legislative director, finance, pensions & intergovernmental affairs
National Association of Counties

On September 9, the U.S. House passed the bipartisan Confirmation of Congressional Observer Access (COCOA) Act of 2023 (H.R. 6513) unanimously by voice vote. The U.S. Senate passed the measure with unanimous consent on September 24. The bill codifies the existing Election Observer Program, which sends trained congressional staff to monitor the casting and counting of votes in congressional elections.

As administrators of elections, counties should be aware of the Election Observer Program ahead of the November 2024 elections. Congressional observers could be deployed to county polling locations and election facilities to observe the administration of the election in congressional districts with tight races that could be contested.

What is the congressional Election Observer Program?

The Election Observer Program has been utilized in federal elections since 2006 under the constitutional authority of the U.S. Congress to “be the judge of the Elections, Returns, and Qualifications of its own Members.” Before the election, volunteer staff in the U.S. House are trained by guidelines set by the Committee on House Administration and are then deployed to poll sites to monitor congressional election processes in real time. Trained election observers are tasked with monitoring key aspects of the election process and collecting information to build a record for the Committee in the case of a contested election.

Read more here.

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